
Hurricane Helene Aftermath

Areas of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee have been devastated by the Category 4 hurricane.

I feel like I’ve been seeing a lot about this, but obviously… I read a lot of news. So I was surprised when a number of people told me that this wasn’t getting enough coverage.

On top of the lives lost, lives changed, homes lost, and property damage, there’s also a LOT of things being politicized, criticized, and apparently… not very well-publicized.


I’ve been seeing a narrative gain traction about how the government and FEMA aren’t doing anything to help, and you must understand that is not true. The fact of the matter is that this problem is TOO LARGE for these organizations to be 100% effective. I keep seeing interviews with people in areas that haven’t received help… and yes, of course, I want them to get help… but we are not seeing the people that ARE being helped (and there are a lot of them) but that narrative is not gaining as much traction, both because it is seemingly not being pushed as hard and because a lot of people have a high level of distrust in our government. (For good reason.)

There are also reports of people being prevented from aiding in relief efforts, and while I suppose it’s possible that FEMA is super evil and intentionally preventing people from getting help… or, the more likely reality, that people are being prevented from entering potentially dangerous areas or getting in the way of larger relief efforts. And a lot of people in those areas are posting on social media… and it’s understandable that there would be a lot of confusion AND fear in the middle of such an unbelievably devastating and widespread disaster. I think it’s unrealistic to think that any organization could swoop in and help everyone at the same time. The worst hit areas are receiving the most attention first and soon others will receive relief in some form or another. It’s important to remember that our communities are actually our greatest allies in these situations. Though we want the government to help (and they will) the need is more immediate than any outside help can accommodate. Think about the difficulty FEMA had responding to Louisiana during Hurricane Francine. That was just in ONE state. Hurricane Helene has affected no less than SIX states!

A lot of people are also very upset that the most FEMA is offering at this time is $750 and that it requires application. And look… I’m not here to defend FEMA, I have absolutely zero ties to the organization… but I’m pretty sure people’s insurance is supposed to cover their losses in disasters like this… not FEMA.

And here’s a link to the FEMA disaster relief fund if you’d like to apply: https://www.fema.gov/assistance/individual

Also here: https://www.disasterassistance.gov


There are also a lot of “land grab” rumors flying around because of Lithium deposits and various other natural resources in some of the affected areas. Now, obviously it’s possible that large corporations and/or “big money” is going to come take advantage of this situation… but most of these rumors involve weather control or these interested parties somehow… CREATING this awful situation and that… is a bit out of our means, technologically speaking. And yes, I’m aware of the tornado experiments and HAARP and cloud seeding and all the things people tell me to look into… what do you believe?


If you’d like to donate to relief funds, here are just a few:

CHARITY NAVIGATOR can help you find local areas to support: https://www.charitynavigator.org/discover-charities/where-to-give/hurricane-helene-2024/#charity_list

THE RED CROSS obviously is providing aid in all of the impacted areas: https://www.redcross.org/donate/dr/hurricane-helene.html/

GLOBAL GIVING is also does a lot of disaster relief fundraising: https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/hurricane-helene-relief-fund/

*NOTE: I have no affiliation with any of these organizations.

Thanks for reading and giving a sh*t! Stay safe out there.

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